I don't understand the term enlightenment. I really don't know what it means. That is why (most of the time) I try to abstain from using this word in my writing.
Do I move in and out of it?
Hmm, I don't know again. But whenever any emotion comes, the awareness notices it. Most of the time, even when I act out anger, there is amazing stillness within. I can easily switch from rage to peace or vice versa. Sometimes, it is hilarious to see the acting. Because the inside is so calm even if the outside is exploding.
It is a journey. The more awareness sheds its light, the more calmness happens. When any emotional wave comes, I support and welcome it. But it has subsided so much.
I don't understand what you mean by - 'that the experience of being one with the ONE is not bound by mind, time, or space, so it can only be instantaneous, leaving an aura of effect that lasts for some time but is an effect of the timeless moment. The enlightened can easily reach in and draw out these experiences, as the self-limits do not limit them.'
The experience that I had led me to utter peace (even thoughts stopped), and awareness expanded. Now, I can see that thoughts have returned. But they have no impact on me or my inner state. I remain in that stillness most of the time. Sometimes, I watch emotional drama to deliberately feel sadness, love, or devotion. I love tears. 😂 Otherwise, the line has gone flat. It is not a boring flat. But a blissful calmness where everything (emotions, feelings, judgments, actions) comes and goes. Nothing sticks for long.
I forgot how I used to feel anxiety or where I'd be stuck or struggled. So when I interact with people, then memory works. Otherwise, most of the time, there is what it is. Most times, it is nothing. 😂😂
Hope it helps you. :)