Hey Rufusjohn, let me answer them one-by-one.
1. To keep the wisdom to ourselves, does it mean that posting what we see online is not ok?
It is perfectly okay to post what you get inspired by online. But expecting people to undertand it the way you do may lead to comparing them with you or others. Instead of judging others who don't understand yor post, see inside yourself to witness what gets triggered inside you.
2. Is that not part of our purpose of being awakened to let people know what’s going on around them even when they think I am crazy?
I totally get that part. Society want everyone to behave and function like them. But no, it is not the purpose of awakened to let people know what's going on around them. It is not wise to forcefully open their minds. First we can't do that. Second, it will make their ego more stubborn. Also a purpose of awakened is not to awaken anyone. We can NOT do that. It happens through grace. And if anyone feels like it is their purpose (which is very common) it is still part of subtle ego trying to implement or say "look I'm superior. You should follow my words." I know there is a lot of compassion also, but it is our duty to be aware of ego (if any) playing in the hindsight, trying to prove istelf.
3. Is spiritual awakening not the real thing everyone needs?
Who are we to decide, what others need and what they don't. It is an individual desire. Some might need more sex to fulfil themselves, not spirituality. Some might need more food or money or power. A time will come in their life when they will seek something more. That time may come in this lifetime or may be not. Spirituality is an individual journey. It is upto life to decide what anyone need or not. Let us not impose and assume we know what everyone needs.
4. So to stop all their daily struggles?
Struggles are an important part of life. The more strong the mind, the more are our struggles. Yes, struggles help us to open our minds to find an alternative and permente answer to them. BUt again it is an individual journey. Everybody is learning at thier own pace and direction. We can not expedite anyone's journey, no matter how much we love them. But one thing we can do - we can live from our total awareness and consciounsess. Be in that presence while dealing with people in pure loving way. This might transform somthing within them. Be that channel of love and light without expecting that the other would change. Organic growth is the best growth in spirituality. We can only inspire others by being what we are and living truthfully. If anyone is sensitive and wise enough to take the cue, they will, otherwise they won't. Simple.
5. is sharing about what you know to whoever cares to read them a bad thing?
No. Sharing and expresing who you are is the best and unconditional gift you can give to anyone. Let life share itself through you. But be careful and be 100% aware of ego, if it comes up again.