Am I any different? Haha. I don’t know. How you see and feel about me makes all the difference.
Regarding vacuum. There are different vacuums for everybody. So bursting the bubble of vacuum requires different approaches. But the common thing of every suffocation is that you are not able to live the life you truly want to. It can be in terms of money, relations, or with self.
Your expectation to live differently is making you more miserable. The projection of your hope in the future makes things difficult.
The shortest route to burst the bubble of suffocation is: to sit with that suffocation. It might seem counterintuitive. But that is it.
Running away from suffocation, confusion, and fear makes things worse. Instead, go deep within yourself. Question yourself why you are feeling it the way you are feeling. Don’t accuse someone or yourself. Just sit with the question without expecting any answer. See your question and stories of mind that come up as answers. See them. Becoming aware of problems and introspecting help.
I hope this helps. I’ve given a general approach to dealing with it. If you want to have a detailed conversation, please let me know. I’d be more than happy to help. 😊